Let your cats know just how special they are with 9Lives® Hearty Cuts With Real Chicken & Fish In Gravy cat food. Hearty, tender chunks made with real chicken and...
9Lives Indoor Complete™ cat food is specially formulated with an Advanced Nutrient System to help indoor cats maintain their ideal weight and digestive health. Made with delicious cuts of real...
9 Lives Meaty Pate Super Supper cat food combines savory ground meat, choice chicken, and succulent fish simmered in real broth for a hearty meal that will have your cat...
Take your cat to the coast! Real chicken paired up with tuna make this cat food a meal to remember. Plus, with all the nutrition your cat needs for a...
Take your cat to the coast with 9 Lives Meaty Pate with Ocean Whitefish Dinner cat food. This tasty meal features tender grounds of fresh ocean whitefish in a savory...
Grilled Tuna and Egg Flavor As a cat gets older, his nutritional needs change. His food should ensure that he'll stay well and stay regular. 9Lives Plus Care cat food...
Variety is the spice of life! Even your cat will tell you that. So give him/her something to meow about with 9Lives Poultry & Beef Favorites Variety Pack Canned Cat...
Satisfy your cat’s cravings with the optimal balance of high-quality protein and vitamins, now in 9Lives® Protein Plus™ dry cat food. You want your adult cat to live a healthy...
The 9Lives Surf ‘N Turf Favorites Variety Pack of wet cat food indulges your cat with three terrific varieties. This pack includes three delicious dinner varieties made with real chicken,...
Chicken and cheese served together to make a refreshing cat-food club sandwich, and simmered in scrumptious gravy for a fresh and palatable dinner.IngredientsCHICKEN, WATER SUFFICIENT FOR PROCESSING, CHEDDAR CHEESE, TRICALCIUM...
Human grade Chicken and pieces of pumpkin are hand packed, and simmered in scrumptious gravy for a fresh and palatable dinner.IngredientsCHICKEN, WATER SUFFICIENT FOR PROCESSING, PUMPKIN, TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, PALM OIL,...
Totally Different! White meat Chicken and Polyhaui’I Berries are hand packed, and a hand-selected blend of unique protein and superfood to serve your cat the most healthy and palatable complete...