inTune Complete & Balanced Grain Free Diet for Ferrets does not contain artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. It is grain and gluten free and specially formulated for a ferret's nutritional needs with 40% protein and 20% fat. The diet relies on quality sources for protein, such as chicken meal, wild-caught sustainable Alaska Pollock, and turkey meal. The food is also enriched with balanced DHA omega-3 & 6 fatty acids as well as vitamin E to support immunity and promote healthy, shiny coats. Calcium and phosphorus are balanced to support the growth and maintenance of strong teeth and bones. In addition, natural beet fiber and protected probiotics are added to support digestion, immunity and overall health. Keep your ferret’s nutrition, inTune!
Higgins Premium Pet Foods is committed to providing companion birds and small animals with the highest quality foods and treats made without the use of artificial colors, preservatives and flavorings. We are strongly dedicated to building and maintaining relationships with pet parents built on trust, by making the complete health and well-being of their pets our primary goal.